release date:
February 17, 2014
We Insist! (2014)
- 1. While The West Is Falling
- 2. Folding Iron
- 3. First Draft
- 4. My Friend's Lonely Mate
- 5. Elijah's Spell
- 6. Black Post White Ghost
- 7. Four Nights in August
- 8. Grinding Down The Pole
- 9. The White Fleet
- 10. Another Era
Sixieme album et premier album en trio enregistré au Studio Nibiru en 2013 par Fred Martin-Bouyer. Dynamiques math-rock, fulgurances noise et mélodies pop, pour les amateurs de choses ordonnées on citera pêle-mêle des aînés tels que Fugazi, Primus, NoMeansNo, Tool ou bien encore Medications.
Devenu trio, We Insist! perdure et s'affine. Abouti, maturé et tranchant.
Etienne Gaillochet: drums and lead vocals
Julien Allanic: bass, guitar, and vocals
Eric Martin: guitar and vocals
Recorded and mixed by Fred Martin-Bouyer at Studio Nibiru in 2013
Mastered by Stefan Brüggemann at Master Room, Berlin, Germany
Artwork by Rainbow-posters, Leipzig, Germany
2014, Vicious Circle Records
Distributed by Differ-Ant